1. It’s better to be on anchor wishing you were out sailing than out sailing wishing you were on anchor. This one is a recent addition to our repertoire, thanks to a friend of ours. It was adapted from his time as a pilot, when he would say, “Better to be on the ground wishing I was up there than to be up there wishing I was on the ground.” Thank you for sharing your wisdom, Brent.

2. Plans are written in sand at low tide. We repeat this phrase so often; it’s comical! A schedule is a sailor’s worst enemy.

3. Sailing around the world is just fixing your boat in exotic locations. To circumnavigate, you must become a mechanic, seamstress, rigger, electrician, plumber…

4. The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails. Which one are you?

5. Sailing is the most expensive way to travel for free. It always seems worth the investment when we get to park our home somewhere so remote, the only visitors are sailors!
What’s your favorite sailing expression?
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