A Week Aboard S/V Sabado: 9/08/2024 – 9/15/2024
Hi guys! We’re back on YouTube. You can watch our latest video here—it’s a fun one!
Last Sunday, we went for a morning swim to the reef lining our anchorage and back to Sabado. We’d been anchored in a picturesque spot off of Moorea, a volcanic island just West of Tahiti, for several days. The water was a tad chilly, but we couldn’t resist jumping in!

We decided to take the dinghy to shore for lunch after, and stopped by a local fruit stand to stock up on fresh mango and star apple before heading back to the boat. Star apple is a new fruit to me, with a deep purple skin and white slimy center. It tastes sweet, and reminds me of lychee. However, they’re not necessarily a crowd pleaser- the guys have been referring to them as “snot melons” and “booger plums”. Would you try one?

The wind had picked up, and the anchorage had significant fetch. We held on tight as the dinghy bounced around, returning to Sabado shivering and completely soaked! We all took showers and lounged around on the boat the rest of the day while the wind howled. Megan and I made a batch of sourdough tortillas as the sun was setting, and we had chicken enchiladas for dinner, closing out the night with an episode of Blue Planet.
Monday morning was tranquil, flat calm, and sunny. We second-guessed our decision to leave as we ogled at the bright blue water and steep, green mountains surrounding us. We eventually pulled up the anchor, having decided to just go to the bay around the corner so we could come back easily if we wanted to! We motored out of the pass and hoisted the main sail. We didn’t have enough wind to sail, but we were hopeful conditions would change. Suddenly, Ray put the engines in neutral. “Whale!!” He shouted, and we all ran to Sabado’s port side. Moorea is one of the top locations in the world to see humpback whales as they migrate through to reproduce from August to November. Sure enough, a small humpback had swam right under us, making its way toward the reef. We squealed with excitement as we watched it swim away- our first whale sighting of the season! Admittedly, I did a terribly job documenting it… can you spot the whale?

The sea state became rough despite the lack of wind, so we dropped the main and motored the rest of the way to our destination. We pulled in later that morning and found a spot in another breathtaking bay. We were so thrilled with the view that Ray decided it was worth his while to clean the windows so we could see it clearly!

We stopped by the grocery store to top off our supply of fruit and vegetables. There is a free dinghy dock and trash disposal, both walking distance from the store- a convenience we do not take for granted out here! We ventured out to the reef the following morning for a snorkel, followed by a hike to a lookout point. The landscape here is incredible!

From the top, we could see fields of pineapples growing out of the reddish volcanic soil. Taking the hint, we decided to purchase some from a stand on the side of the road on the way home. We later learned that pineapples are the largest export on the island, but they are only shipped locally, rarely ever making it out of the South Pacific, so they stay on the plant until ripe. They’re small but very flavorful!

We spent the day Friday lounging around on the boat. We ran the watermaker for several hours, edited video footage, and discussed various boat projects/upgrades. Two other friends of ours pulled into the anchorage late that afternoon, and the six of us plus their two children met up for dinner on shore. We went to a crepe shop, and dined on both sweet and savory French crepes while we all caught up.
Yesterday was wet and gloomy. It poured rain for hours, trapping us inside. We lowered the saloon table into a day bed, where we planted ourselves for hours, watching a couple of movies to pass the time and listening to the generator hum.

When the rain finally let up, the runoff from shore spread through the anchorage. I watched it surround Sabado from the cockpit.

The sunshine is back today, and it is a beautiful morning! Nick and Megan are sitting on the bow, sipping their coffee, while Ray and I chat in the cockpit. I have a pot of homemade yogurt cooking in the galley, and we are planning to swim with whales tomorrow. Life is good!
I hope you had a great week. ❤️
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