We sailed through several storms last night, which continued into this morning.
These days, the only time our solar panels see the sun is before noon; after that, they’re shaded by the sails. We preemptively shut the inverter and our cockpit fridge off to conserve power through the gloomy, wet morning. We were pointing too far south, so we jibed for the first time since leaving Panama. As the sky cleared, the wind shifted in our favor, and we were able to jibe back onto our intended course.
We sailed all day, only using an engine briefly when needed to reef. The sea state is still around 6ft, growing temporarily with each squall. After several days of this, I hardly even notice the motion anymore, except when cooking, which still feels like an epic display of athleticism. I spent the afternoon finishing up our next YouTube video and listening to podcasts at the helm between naps.
I never really understood those people who sail around the world without stopping. 100+ days of this- what’s the point, other than being able to say you did it? Now, I’m starting to understand the appeal. It’s a vastly different lifestyle than day sailing. We’ve gotten a small taste of it when we’ve done six days here and nine days there over the years, but nothing compares to this. 20 days and counting… I’m loving every minute: the good, the bad, and the mundane.
HI – well nice to know your having a good time. but i think all the rest of us would be happy to hear you say we see land.
You’re probably right😉 Soon enough!
Love your posts! Thank you! I’m so glad you are loving this passage.
Thank you! They’ll be so fun to look back on when this is over. ❤️