A Week Aboard S/V Sabado: 3/7/2021 – 3/14/2021
This week’s video will be uploaded late! We have a friend in town so I’m a bit behind on editing. Make sure you’re subscribed to our channel and click the bell if you want to be notified when the video goes up!
Anyway, last Sunday the wind started to pick up a bit, and just our luck- someone decided to drop their anchor way too close to us. So, we kicked off the week by pulling up our anchor and moving away from the crowd.
We spent the day Monday cleaning the teak and setting up our guest cabin. The wind was still pretty strong, so we couldn’t make a dinghy ride into town to take care of our trash and propane tank that afternoon like we had hoped. Luckily, there’s a local guy here named Jamal who cruisers can hire to do, well, basically anything. We hailed him on the radio and he came to our boat, picked up our empty propane tank and a bag of trash, disposed of the trash and dropped off our freshly filled tank later that day. Jamal has also been known to provide diesel, water, ice, and even take care of laundry! He’s constantly zipping around the anchorages doing everything he can to help cruisers. We were happy to be able to support his business!

We were still stuck on the boat Tuesday, so we binge watched our latest show obsession, Dexter, and bounced around with the waves.
Wednesday was the day my friend Eve arrived! She’s currently a grad student living in New Orleans, but she made some time for a last minute trip to the Bahamas to visit me for her birthday. ☺️ So, we spent the morning tidying up, and picked her up on shore that afternoon. We were stuck on the boat all day due to weather, but had a good time catching up over drinks in the salon.
On Thursday we went to shore to explore! We hiked up to the monument on Stocking Island, checked out some gorgeous beaches, and enjoyed the sunshine.

Friday was Eve’s birthday! We started off the day with blueberry muffins, coffee, and listening to the cruisers net, then took the dinghy over to George Town. We walked around, grabbed some lunch, then decided to head over to Peace and Plenty Beach Club for the afternoon! It was a dream- we were served fruity cocktails at our lounge chairs on a gorgeous beach, what more could you want?
We treated ourselves to a fancy dinner that night at a nearby resort. We had fresh caught snapper and duck, wine, and (several) desserts!

The next day we attempted to take the dinghy over to Moriah Cay, but had to turn around because the waves were too rough! So we headed back to the Beach Club, where we had mayyybe a few too many drinks…
We’re definitely moving slowly this morning, and will probably spend the day lounging around the boat! I hope you all had a great week. ❤️
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