A Week Aboard S/V Sabado: 12/20/2020 – 12/27/2020
Last Sunday ended up being lovely! We hung out at home, I got a nice workout in, FaceTimed a friend, went for a swim, and took a little ocean shower.
Unfortunately, that evening we had a big power boat plop it’s anchor right next to us and all of the passengers piled into their dinghy and headed straight to shore… they hardly let out any scope, and they left an engine on. We weren’t interested in hanging around to see what would happen, so we pulled up our anchor and moved to the other end of the anchorage just to be safe.
Luckily, the next morning most of the boats in the anchorage had left- it must have simply been lots of weekenders! So, we moved back to our old spot, ate some breakfast, then headed to shore. We took our scooters around town and grabbed some coffee before getting anxious about how many people seemed to be out and about and heading back to the boat.
We spent the rest of the week hanging out onboard, admiring how well our new batteries were working, and enjoying the sunshine! I even got the chance to practice my free diving (my depth is good but duration not so much…send your tips my way!)
Although we were bummed that there wasn’t a weather window for our Bahamas crossing in sight, we were so grateful to be on anchor with nothing to do but relax. Everything (for once) was working fine- it was such a peaceful week!
Thursday was Christmas Eve so I baked some fat Santa sugar cookies and we watched A Christmas Story. ❤️
A storm blew through around 2am Christmas morning, so we got up and kept an eye on things- making sure ourselves and no one around us dragged anchor. We were seeing 28kn sustained winds, gusting above 30kn. Luckily the worst of it seemed to pass by ~3:30am, so we went back to bed, but things stayed pretty breezy all through Christmas Day. Cameras can ever seem to pick up sea state, but there were white caps in our anchorage all day!
Other than that, we had a very chill Christmas. We opened stockings and just spent the day with each other. ❤️
The next day we decided to pop on over to Dinner Key. We left our anchorage around 12pm and motored over. There were tons of sailors out!
The trek to our mooring ball was pretty eventful… we passed several sunken ships while consistently having less than 2ft of water under our keel (that screen in the upper right shows our depth in feet).
Luckily though, we safely picked up our mooring ball around 1:30pm!
The draw to move was mostly because we were getting bored and there was no Bahamas weather window in the forecast. Our new spot is still a great place to stage for our crossing when one comes along, but we’re closer to the city now so there’s much more to do! Once we got settled, we both took showers, put on proper clothes (AKA not swim suits or PJs) and headed out to explore. We ended up going to a fancy cocktail bar for a few drinks, then getting a steak dinner…. with a bit too much wine.
Today we slept in and, per usual, have zero plans. Hopefully I’ll have some sailing to tell you about next week! Happy Holidays everyone. ❤️